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캠프/특강 신청

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작성자 Carlos 작성일 24-11-14 12:12 조회 50 댓글 0


특강 및 캠프 요청지역
신청자명 *
연락처 *
judicially-led process.

VI. Constitutional Principles:
The United States and Germany possess different constitutional traditions. The U.S. Constitution emphasizes individual rights and liberties, such as freedom of speech, religion, and due process protections. In contrast, the German Constitution (the Basic Law) focuses on promoting social welfare, guaranteeing fundamental rights, and a more proactive government role in regulating areas of public life.

While the American and German legal systems share common roots and exhibit certain similarities, crucial differences exist due to distinct cultural, historical, amlaw.us and legal foundations. Understanding these variances is essential to enhance legal scholarship, facilitate the harmonization of international laws, and promote cross-cultural exchange. Comparative studies of legal systems create opportunities for the sharing of best practices and establishment of effective legal frameworks in various global contexts." id="wr_content" required class="frm_input full_input" disabled>
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대표 : 문주호 | 개인정보 보호책임자 : 이진숙
서울특별시 강동구 천호대로 182길 35, 3층(둔촌동, 예지 커뮤니티 센터)
사업자 등록번호 506-82-12238
통신판매업신고번호 제2024-서울강동-1560

가르치는 사람들의 재능나눔 네트워크 가르치는 사람들의 재능나눔 네트워크 가르치는 사람들의 재능나눔 네트워크 가르치는 사람들의 재능나눔 네트워크

전화 문의 1551-5874
(캠프 문의, 에듀마스터(학원 가맹) 문의, 진로진학컨설팅 문의, 강사섭외,
대학생 및 청년 프로그램, 국내&국외 체험문의, 교강사과정, 지사문의)
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